image: Pinterest - Donutlookatme ☪
Social media, mainly instagram has created a platform of
self-display which once was deemed socially unacceptable, too embarrassing or
extremely inappropriate. These half naked, provocative and somewhat graphic
images that we would never dream of willingly exposing to the public are now
the norm, they are now the socially acceptable behaviour which retrieves the
reward of more likes, more followers and more popularity.
When we are rewarded on the basis of our appearance, we are
developing a belief in ourselves that beauty, sexiness, and exposure of our
bodies and ‘the perfect photo’ are attributes worth striving for. We begin to
believe that these qualities are the most important and interesting things
about ourselves. Rewarding and encouraging this behaviour is turning us into
narcissistic versions of ourselves.
Obsessing about how to look good for an Instagram photo,
taking and re-taking photos, whilst changing poses, hairstyles, outfits,
locations, amount of breast or butt exposure, box gap, six pack and lip pout over
and over and over again, which means we are spending more and more time in a virtual
world that only leaves us more and more disconnected from reality, and
discontent with ourselves. Comparison is the thief of joy and instagram feeds
off your insecurities and need to compare your life, your body, your diet, and
your happiness with everyone else only leaving you feeling more empty than
Here is a great article from another young woman's experience as well. "It’s so healing to trust that I have the right to love my life right now, right where I’m at. Just the way it looks."
Here is a great article from another young woman's experience as well. "It’s so healing to trust that I have the right to love my life right now, right where I’m at. Just the way it looks."